Travel chic and comfy

A bus trip is way different from flying to your destination. But in both cases it is easy to tell who is the frequent traveller and who is not.

When travelling, comfort should be number one priority. When you are comfortable in your clothes and shoes, not only will you have a smooth trip, the people seated next to you will have no reason to complain.

Some fashionable people you may follow such as Kim Kardashian can dress in certain ways because they expect to find paparazzi at the airport and don’t want to appear in the tabloids looking anything but hot.

But have you ever wondered what is in her carry-on luggage?

You do not expect her to wear those heels throughout the flight, plus the inconvenience they can cause if she has to make her way to the lavatory.

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Since there may be unexpected changes in the temperatures, it is better to wear layers so that you can shed off the scarf or cardigan when it gets warmer or put them on when temperatures drop.

The shorts, sandals and chiffon top may look cute before takeoff but after 10 hours of a cold flight, you will feel and look horrible to your receiving party.

Do not count on the inflight blankets. You will be disappointed.

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So wear something that covers your legs, comfortable shoes and keep a simple sweater or scarf within reach.

If you still want to look super elegant for whoever is receiving you upon arrival, there is an option of visiting the ‘ladies’ and getting your swagg on before exiting.

Whatever you do, do not compromise your comfort.

(Internet pics)